IMSF Workshop in Forensic Mass Spectrometry
BMSS, Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and the South Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner have been awarded the privilege of hosting an IMSF International Workshop in Forensic Mass Spectrometry at Sheffield in May 2021.
Given the emerging circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic we are all navigating uncharted territory…
The BMSS Executive Committee is trying to ‘keep the show on the road’ and plan optimistically for the future – and so we are resolutely committed to implementing our IMSF International Workshop in Forensic Mass Spectrometry in May 2021.
This IMSF sponsored workshop will bring together practitioners at the cutting edge of forensic mass spectrometry to provide world-class technical training. In addition a subset of key speakers (e.g. judicial and law enforcement professionals) will place the science within a wider societal context. This workshop will provide a unique learning experience that will go beyond just ‘instrumental analysis’ …we shall collectively explore the ‘real world’ of forensic mass spectrometry, …and seek to establish a networked community of likeminded professionals!
We append below a pdf copy of our winning bid document to inform you of our intentions for May 2021.

Bid document
Proposal document submitted to the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation