Scientific Programme


Anca Frinculescu, TICTAC Communications Ltd

Cows, Barns and Drugs – Assessing Portable Instruments at Music Festivals

Dr. Cady Lancaster, Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Garden, Kew

Transnational Illegal Logging and the Role of Ambient Ionisation for Wood Identification


10 AM Opening & Welcome


Cady Lancaster

Kew Gardens

Transnational Illegal Logging and the Role of Ambient Ionisation for Wood Identification

Rachel Smith

University of Manchester

DESI-MS for High-Throughput Screening: from Biofluids to Biocatalysts



Alisha Henderson

Loughborough University

Rapid Identification of Prohibited Substances in Sports Supplements using ASAP-MS

Emrys Jones

Waters Corporation

Do Androids Dream of Ambient Mass Spectrometry?

Lunch, Posters & Exhibition


Vanshni Vekereya


Evaluation of Atmospheric Solid Analysis Probe - Mass Spectrometry (ASAP-MS) for Point of Care testing

Thomas Miles

Queens University Belfast

Determining C=C Bond Positions in Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Phospholipid Fatty Acyl Chains Using Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (REIMS)

Yufeng Zhou

University of Liverpool

Matrix Effect In Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis



Annette O'Farrell

Queens University Belfast

Using the Waters™ RADIAN™ ASAP mass spectrometer to develop rapid and cost-effective tests for food safety

Elmeri Latvanen

Imperial College London

Overcoming Challenges of Ambient Ionisation with Modified Surfaces for High-Throughput Colorectal Cancer Detection from Faecal Samples. *

Anca Frinculescu

TICTAC Communications

Cows, Barns and Drugs – Assessing portable instruments at music festivals

16:45 Close & presentations


Drinks reception & Mixer

Romil Ltd