London Biological MS Discussion Group - June 2024


68th LBMSDG Meeting 20th June 2024

London Institute of Medical Sciences (LMS), Ducane Road, London W12 ONN

This meeting is free to attend thanks to the meeting sponsor Waters

Meeting registration is required via the Eventbrite link

12.30        Buffet Lunch

13.00        Opening Address

13.15        Plenary TalkRoss Chawner, Waters Corporation
’A New Generation High-Throughput Metabolomic and Lipidomic Analysis using the Xevo MRT Mass Spectrometer’

14:00     2nd Talk. Konstantinous Thalassinos. Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, UCL, London.                                                                                                                                                                         
‘Probing the structure and dynamics of protein complexes using structural mass spectrometry’

14.30      3rd Talk: Emily Gaizley, UCL Cancer Institute, London.
‘Proteomic characterisation of therapy resistant quiescent cancer cells.’

15.00         Coffee Break

15.30        4th Talk:  Geraldine Williams − Leicester van Geest MS-OMICS Facility, University of Leicester.                                                                                                                                                            
'Use of Nonhuman Sera as a Highly Cost-Effective Internal Standard for Quantitation of Multiple Human Proteins Using Species-Specific Tryptic Peptides: Applicability in Clinical LC-MS Analyses.’

16.00      Final Talk: Shoba Abi, Department of Analytical, Environmental and Forensic Sciences Kings College, London.
'Androgens in sports: from conventional to modern mass spectrometry methods in drug testing'.

16.30        Wine & drinks reception followed by further post-meeting discussions at a local venue.