Advertising Opportunities
Advertise your company, your events and job opportunities with the BMSS, either on our website or in our periodic newsletter, Mass Matters
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Job Opportunities
BMSS members may advertise job opportunities on the BMSS website free of charge. Please log in to your member account (or join), then navigate to the Jobs Page of the website and select the 'Submit Advert' option (located on the left side of the Jobs Page). Information on costs for other positions can be obtained from the BMSS Advertising T's and C's (located further down this page).
Non-members may advertise job opportunities on the BMSS website for a fee. Information on costs can also be obtained from the BMSS Advertising T's and C's. Job adverts should be submitted to the Publicity Officer:, using the Non-Member Job Advert Proforma below.
For those directly affected by conflict, we can offer free-of-charge advertising for employment opportunities within the UK. Contact for more information.
To advertise your job opportunities in the BMSS newsletter Mass Matters, please contact the BMSS Publicity Secretary:

Non-Member Job Advert Profoma
Not-For-Profit Event Advertising
To request a listing of your, MS relevant, scientific meeting on the Associated Meetings pages of the BMSS website - please download the application form by clicking on the icon below. The completed application form should be returned to the BMSS Administrator:
To be eligible for a free listing the event should be hosted by an academic institution and/or organised by a scientific society (i.e. a charitable foundation).

Not-for-profit event advertising - application form
Corporate Advertising
To promote your company, products or corporate events on the BMSS website, please contact the BMSS Publicity Secretary: Information on costs can be obtained from the BMSS Advertising T's & C's (located further down this page).
Highly targeted & cost effective - the BMSS website is a unique opportunity to promote your proposition to the MS community in the UK and beyond. The BMSS website banner specification document (pdf) can be downloaded by clicking on the icon below.
To promote your company, products or corporate events in the BMSS newsletter, Mass Matters please contact the BMSS Publicity Secretary:

Corporate advertising - advert specifications V2
BMSS Event Branding
To promote your company or products at BMSS-managed meetings and conferences please contact the BMSS Meetings Secretary:
Corporate branding of BMSS meeting registration badges provides a unique opportunity to highlight your company to the MS community and sustain a ubiquitous event presence.
BMSS Advertising Terms and Conditions
Please review the BMSS Advertsing Terms & Conditions to obtain guidance on acceptable advertising, fees etc:
The British Mass Spectrometry Society (the BMSS or CHARITY) welcomes advertising from 3rd parties that increase awareness of mass spectrometry related events, products or services that may be of interest to its members.
Fit & Proper advertisers:
BMSS will consider advertising from Manufacturers of mass spectrometry instruments and associated equipment/software/services. BMSS will refuse advertising if a director of the company has been declared bankrupt, would fail the HMRC Fit and Proper Person test or has previously been late with payments to the BMSS.
Definition of acceptable advertising:
- All adverts must be consistent with BMSS values & constitution, BMSS reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it feels is outside these boundaries.
- Advertisements of an analytical scientific nature (eg mass spectrometry products, related equipment, software and services) are acceptable.
- Advertising for events/meetings are acceptable if there is no conflict with BMSS meetings.
- Advertisements for training courses may be suitable when focused on specific application areas and are not competitive with the BMSS training course(s).
- Advertisements for jobs are acceptable, these would appear in the Jobs board of the BMSS website.
Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the Board of Trustees of the Charity.
This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as required.
Job adverts on the Jobs page of the BMSS website:
- BMSS Members may post advertisements at no charge
- Non-members may advertise positions at £200 per insertion
- Recruitment Agencies may post insertions at £200 per insertion or buy unlimited insertions for £1,500 a year
General advertising on the BMSS website:
- Adverts on the BMSS website are reproduced across all pages with no more than four at any one time. A larger banner advert can also be used.
- Costs are £150 for a standard advert for three months or £750 for a banner headline for three months.
- Job adverts outside the Jobs page can be advertised at the rate for a standard advert (£150)
General advertising within MassMatters:
- A full-page colour advert on the back page of MassMatters is available for £500 for one issue, a full- page colour advert on an inside page is available for £300 and a half-page advert is available for £150 (inside page only). The BMSS reserves the right to prioritize advertising its own meetings over paid-for advertising.
Variation of the advertising procedure:
The Committee may vary this procedure if it has good reason for doing so, such as a conflict of interest.
General Terms and Conditions:
The placing of an order by the Client constitutes an assurance that the advertisement is legal, decent, honest and truthful complying with the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion, with any relevant codes of practice and with the requirements of current legislation.
The Client agrees to indemnify the publisher in respect of all costs, damages, or other charges falling upon the BMSS as a result of legal actions or threatened legal actions arising from the publications of the advertisement(s).
All advertisements are accepted subject to BMSS approval of the copy and to the required space being available. The BMSS does not guarantee any particular placement of advertisements
All members are limited to a maximum of 2 job advertisement per month, to a total of a maximum of 12 job adverts per year, unless they have purchased the ‘Unlimited Insertions’ package.
The BMSS reserves the right to refuse advertisements which may be defamatory or offensive or which are against the values and constitution of BMSS.
Whilst every endeavor will be made to meet the wishes of The Client, BMSS does not guarantee the insertion of any particular advertisement.
In the event of any error, misprint or omission in the printing of an advertisement or relevant part of an advertisement, BMSS may at their discretion make a reasonable refund of or adjustment to the cost. No re- insertion, refund or adjustment will be made where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement.
In no circumstances shall the total liability of BMSS for any error, misprint or omission exceed (a) the amount of a full refund of any price paid to BMSS for the advertisement in connection with which liability arose or (b) the cost of a further or corrective advertisement of a type and standard reasonably comparable to that in connection with which liability arose.
It is the responsibility of The Client to check the first insertion of advertisements and notify BMSS immediately of any errors. BMSS assumes no responsibility for the repetition of errors unless notified by the Client.
Adverts supplied in JPEG, PDF and other pre-prepared formats will be inserted into the publication as supplied unless otherwise agreed with BMSS and will be assumed not to require copy approval. These files should be supplied at a minimum of 300dpi. No responsibility can be taken for the print quality of any advert supplied at a lower resolution. These files may be re-sized to fit the appropriate space.
The BMSS reserves the right to make any alteration it considers necessary or desirable in an advertisement and to require artwork or copy to be amended to meet its approval.
The placing of an order by The Client constitutes an assurance that all necessary authority and permission has been secured in respect of the use of all content within the advertisement(s).
All invoices raised by BMSS shall become due for payment by the date shown on the invoice unless consent is expressly given in writing to The Client for an extension of this period, or terms of any account facility between BMSS and The Client expressly states.
All new Clients who are advertising with BMSS for the first time will be required to pay for their first insertion in advance of publication on receipt and approval of proof.
Invoices which are overdue for a period in excess of 14 (fourteen) days from the invoice due date for any services will be subject to credit control procedures which may or may not include the filing of a County Court Order. Subsequent County Court Judgements and Warrants may or may not be issued. Furthermore, at sole discretion of BMSS, a Statutory Demand under Section 123 (1) (a) or 222 (1) (a) of the Insolvency Act 1986 may be issued for non-payment of Goods and/or Services delivered. If this remedy does not satisfactorily resolve any non-payment, then a “Winding Up Order” may be issued in accordance with the relevant Acts of Parliament such as the Insolvency Act 1986, the Insolvency Rules 1986, Council Regulations (EC) No.
1346/2000 (‘the EC Regulation’) and the Companies Act 1985.
The BMSS reserves the right to exercise the statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs under the late payment legislation if not paid according to agreed terms.
The BMSS reserves the right to charge compound interest on any debts older than 14 days from the due date on the invoice according to current Late Payment Legislation, which is currently 8% above Base Lending Rate.
The existence of a query on any individual item in an account shall not affect the due date of payment of the balance of the account.
In order to carry out the implied contract between BMSS and The Client, BMSS will need to collect and process data, which will include, but may not be limited to, the Client name and address, the name and contact details of the person booking the advert and the name and contact details of any person responsible for making payment of ensuing invoices.
The BMSS, at all times, reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions set out here in this document without prior written notice to any of its Clients and any subsequent changes will become applicable immediately. No claims will be entered into which may not have been applicable in previous revisions of this document which are subsequently made provision for. Any claims by any client will only be acceptable on grounds outside the current revision of this document. BMSS will, at all times, where reasonably possible, make available for viewing its Terms and Conditions