Committee Job Descriptions
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Term of office 2 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Previous position Vice-Chair
Mission statement as per the constitution
Chair shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the BMSS: the Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at General Meetings of the Members of the BMSS; shall have charge of the general and active management of the business of the BMSS and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Committee are carried out; the Chair shall submit a report of the operations of the BMSS to the Members at their Annual General Meeting
Major activities:
- Chair meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Chair the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and, if appropriate, any Special General Meeting (SGM).
- Make an "annual" report to each AGM in term of office.
- Ensure that the Society operates in accordance with its Charter and charitable status.
- Advise on appointment of officers.
- Ensure that decisions of Executive Committee are implemented.
- Ensure that decisions of General Meetings are implemented.
- Take responsibility for the long-term future of BMSS.
- Represent BMSS on appropriate national and international bodies and at national/international meetings.
- Act as a figurehead for BMSS at its own meetings.
- Act as a figurehead for BMSS at joint meetings.
- Act as authorised signatory of BMSS cheques.
- Issue invitations to accept Life Membership.
- Issue formal invitations to the plenary and keynote lectures for the annual meeting.
- Decide upon a suitable speaker for the Chair’s invited lecture for the BMSS annual meeting and initiate invitation.
- Present awards or prizes given by BMSS.
Vice Chair
Term of office 2 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Automatic progression to Chair
Mission statement as per the constitution
The Vice-Chair shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Chair during the absence of the latter.
Major Activities:
- Cover for the Chair at meetings if the Chair is unavailable.
- Familiarise himself/herself with the role of the Chair so that continuity is maintained after the Chair retires.
- Undertake any BMSS function/project designated by the Chair e.g., temporary editor of the newsletter.
- Act on the Chair’s behalf at any formal function e.g., meetings/seminars.
- Provide help and guidance to any officer on the Executive committee.
- Interface between Officers and Chair, if required.
- Actively seek feedback about the and its work from society members at meetings.
- Act as authorised signatory of BMSS cheques.
General Secretary
Term of office 4 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Mission statement as per the constitution
The General Secretary ("The Secretary"), or a deputy appointed by the Chair, shall act as clerk at all meetings, shall ensure that all minutes of meetings are recorded accurately and these are agreed, disseminated and appropriately filed. The General Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring all books and records of the BMSS are appropriately stored are accessible as needed, that all parties are made aware of the General Data Protection Regulation and BMSS’s procedures regarding data protection, and for the submission of returns to the Charity Commission as required.
Major Activities:
- Ensuring that the BMSS Administrator carries out the appropriate duties with respect to BMSS meetings, agenda and minutes.
- Ensuring that the BMSS Administrator carries out the appropriate duties with respect to the preparation and circulation of BMSS AGM and SGM documents.
- Ensuring that the BMSS has appropriate procedures in place with regard to data protection, and that all committee members and society members are aware and agree to adhere to those procedures.
- Ensuring, with the Treasurer, the appropriate returns are made to the Charity Commission in respect of BMSS accounts.
- Maintaining the archive of official BMSS minutes.
- Organisation of process for electing new BMSS members and Officers, ensuring that the BMSS Administrator undertakes the following:
- Prepares, distributes the call for nominations
- Collects nominations and arranges for a ballot, if required
- Receive, administer and approve, in conjunction with the Treasurer, BMSS Travel Grant applications.
- Receive, administer with/via the Advisory Board and in conjunction with the Treasurer, BMSS Research Support Fund applications.
- Receiving conference reports from Travel Grant recipients and Research Support Fund reports.
- Act as authorised signatory of BMSS cheques.
- Monitor expenditure on administration.
Term of office 4 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Mission statement as per the constitution
The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the BMSS and shall deposit them in the name of the BMSS in banks designated by the Executive Committee; the Treasurer shall make a complete and accurate report of the finances of the BMSS at each Annual General Meeting of the Members or at any other time, upon its request, to the Executive Committee. The BMSS's accounts for the preceding year shall be subject to audit and presented at the next Annual General Meeting.
Major Activities:
- Maintain the BMSS Accounts in an appropriate manner.
- Prepare the annual accounts for submission to the Accountant to draw up the BMSS Final Accounts and ensure an appropriate audit of BMSS Accounts is undertaken by a recognised body.
- Present the BMSS Accounts at the AGM.
- Ensuring, with the General Secretary, the appropriate returns are made to the Charity Commission in respect of BMSS accounts.
- Investment of BMSS monies in order to gain the best (and safe) returns
- Preparation of financial plans and forecasts for the BMSS regarding levels of income and major expenditure.
- Provide an annual budget for Travel Grants, Summer Studentships and Research Support Funds
- Approving, with the General Secretary, Travel Grant applications and issuing cheques for all approved grants.
- Act as authorised signatory of BMSS cheques.
Meetings Secretary
Term of office 4 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Mission statement as per the constitution
The Meetings Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation and arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the BMSS and for the co-ordination of other meetings associated with BMSS.
Major Activities:
- Coordinate with the Special Interest Group (SIG) coordinator to ensure SIG meetings are delivered in a cohesive manner.
- Chair meetings of the Annual Meeting Sub-Committee.
- Arrange site visits to the conference venue.
- Agree, with the , who will present the Maccoll Lecture, Robinson Lecture, Plenary and Keynote Lectures and ensure that the BMSS Chair issues the formal invitations (and confirm acceptance).
- Ensure, in liaison with the BMSS Administrator that all arrangements are in place for a vendor exhibition at the BMSS Annual Meeting.
- Ensure, in liaison with the BMSS Administrator and the Annual Meeting venue that all accommodation and catering requirements are in in place.
- Liaise with the BMSS Administrator, at regular intervals, with regard to all aspects of the annual meeting, including:
- dealing with all aspects of registration
- arranging the conference dinner and social events
- dealing with the administrative aspects of the exhibition including liaising with the Exhibition organisers.
- Sponsorship for/of the meeting.
- Liaise with the Publicity Officer to ensure all publicity material (adverts, flyers etc.) contains all necessary information and is published timely and in appropriate places.
- Produce, distribute and collate replies for the Delegate Questionnaire at the meeting.
- Assist where required at the actual meeting to ensure that all aspects run smoothly.
- Be responsible for the set-up and maintenance of the conference and meetings section of the BMSS website.
Publicity Secretary
Term of office 4 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Mission statement as per the constitution
The Publicity Secretary shall be responsible for publicising the activities of the Society through publications and by other appropriate methods.
Major Activities:
- Ensure an new edition of the Newsletter appears three times a year (Winter, Spring, and Summer)
- Manage the Mass Matters Editor and together, actively invite contributions to the newsletter.
- Be proactive in organising contributions as a record of conferences attended by BMSS members.
- Be alert to new ideas to publicise the society and bring any such ideas to the for review.
- Be responsible for ensuring that the BMSS webpages reflect the current activities of the Society
- Design, or arrange to be designed, all flyers, posters, adverts and other publicity material for the Society as may be required.
- Oversee all publicity material printing including conference booklets, training course booklets, flyers and posters.
- Oversee the web site, liaising with the General Secretary and Vice-chair.
Papers Secretary
Term of office 4 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Mission statement as per the constitution
The Papers Secretary shall be responsible for receiving papers and abstracts submitted for presentation at annual meetings of the Society and shall also be responsible for arranging the refereeing of such abstracts and papers and for the preparation of the technical programme for meetings.
Major Activities:
- Agree dates for the submission of abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations at the BMSS annual meeting.
- Ensure that the call for abstracts is widely circulated.
- Arrange for for on-line submission of abstracts.
- Arrange for the review, by session chairs, of all abstracts submitted.
- Inform all abstract submitters of the outcome i.e. whether an abstract has been selected for oral or poster presentation.
- Determine, with the Meetings Sub-Committee and BMSS , the Scientific Sessions to be run.
- Liaise with the Meetings Secretary to compile the Scientific Programme.
- Update the scientific programme on a regular basis and ensure that the current version is available on the BMSS website.
- Ensure the session chairs are appointed and that they are aware of their responsibilities.
- Collate, in conjunction with additional documentation provided by the Publicity Officer and BMSS Administrator, abstracts for the preparation of the printed meeting programme and electronic abstract/programme book.
- Organise the Barber/Bordoli medal award judges.
Education Officer
Term of office 4 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Mission statement as per the constitution
The Education Officer or a deputy appointed by the Chair, shall be responsible for all educational and training matters for the BMSS.
Major Activities:
- Consider all aspects of training and education in mass spectrometry for the BMSS membership.
- Negotiate book offers for student members etc. with publishers.
- Liaise with Young Person’s representative.
- Liaise with Meeting Secretary in organisation of training courses, workshops, tutorials etc. at the BMSS Annual Meeting.
- Co-ordinate BMSS out-reach activities, including the BMSS Lecturer.
- Be responsible for the initial set-up and maintenance of the education and training section of the BMSS website.
- Initiate the call for applications for Summer Studentships.
- Receive, administer and approve, in conjunction with the Advisory Board, BMSS Summer Studentship applications and liaise with the Treasurer to issue cheques.
- Collect Summer Studentship reports.
SIG Coordinator
Term of office 4 years
Elected from within the BMSS Executive Committee
Mission statement as per the constitution
The Special Interests Group (SIG) co-ordinator shall be responsible for liaising between the Executive Committee and the SIGs, for reviewing and managing the activities of the SIGs, advising on the appointment of SIG Leaders and encouraging SIG meetings were appropriate, including their participation in workshops and sessions at scientific meetings.
Major Activities:
- Receive requests for SIG subject areas, judge suitability with respect to current BMSS interests and activities, being mindful of new and developing areas in which new interest groups would support a wider range of society members
- Act, with the Meetings Secretary, to ensure events do not overlap.
- Assist the Meetings Secretary and Papers Secretary on occasions where SIG leaders are involved in organising sessions of the BMSS Annual Meeting.
- Ensure groups requesting financial underwriting or administrative support supply appropriate formal justification to the Executive Committee for approval in a timely manner.
- Liaise with the BMSS Administrator in cases where administrative support has been requested to ensure needs can be met or whether request be denied.
- Be responsible for collating meeting reports for the Publicity Officer and financial statements for the Treasurer.
- Be responsible for ensuring that the BMSS webpage is up to date with all SIG information, meetings adverts and planned activities.
Immediate Past Chair
Term of office 2 years
Previous position Chair
Mission statement as per the constitution.
The Immediate Past Chair shall be a non- voting member of the committee, shall chair the BMSS Advisory Board and shall provide continuity in the management of the society activities by offering guidance to the Officers and the Executive Committee.
Major activities:
- Act as Chair of the Advisory Board
- Liaise between Committee and Advisory Board
- Provide advice and guidance to the Executive Committee as required