Life Membership to the BMSS

Life membership of the British Mass Spectrometry Society is a prestigious award given to members of the Society who have made a significant contribution to the practice of mass spectrometry in the U.K. or, perhaps more importantly in this case, to the Society itself.


  1. BMSS Life Members
  2. Award Criteria
  3. To make a nomination

BMSS Life Members

Professor Michael Baldwin
Professor John Beynon  -  deceased
Doctor John Chapman - deceased
Doctor Eddie Clayton
Professor Graham Cooks
Doctor Frank Cottee
Doctor Stanley Evans
Professor Dai E Games - deceased
Mr Brian N Green - deceased
Doctor Neville Haskins - deceased
Professor John L Holmes
Professor Ed Houghton
Professor Keith Jennings - deceased
Professor Anthony Mallet
Professor John J Monaghan
Professor Nico M M Nibbering - deceased
Mr Patrick Powers
Professor John F J Todd
Professor Henry W Wilson - deceased
Professor Frank Pullen - deceased
Professor Gareth Brenton
Professor Alison Ashcroft
Mrs Anna Upton
Doctor Mira Doig
Mr Peter Ryan - deceased
Doctor Peter Baugh
Mr Mervyn Lewis
Professor G John Langley
Doctor Michael Morris

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Award Criteria


Life membership of the British Mass Spectrometry Society is a prestigious award given to members of the Society who have made a significant contribution to the practice of mass spectrometry in the UK, whether through providing a reliable and excellent service, expanding the exposure of mass spectrometry beyond the mass spectrometry community, education or, perhaps more importantly in this case, supporting and promoting the Society itself. The BMSS strives to reflect the diversity of the Society in these honouree memberships.

  • It is not the intention to give this award to members on approaching retirement age on an automatic basis and indeed most members of the Society will probably not satisfy the award criteria.
  • It is expected that no more than two life memberships will be awarded in any year.
  • It is expected that those receiving the award will continue to maintain some involvement in the activities of the Society, e.g. continued attendance at meetings, assisting the BMSS committee.

Life membership provides membership of the Society for the remainder of the member’s life and complimentary registration to the BMSS Annual Meeting.

Potential life membership is therefore to be considered for longstanding members of the Society who have attained a respected position within the UK mass spectrometry community. They should have been members of the Society for a significant part of their career and have made notable contributions to the Society. It is expected that such a person would have attended and made regular scientific contributions at meetings sponsored by the Society throughout their career and/or have played a role in the organisation and running of some of those meetings.

Candidates for consideration as life members must be nominated by a member of the Society and supported by at least two others who need not be members of the Society. Nominations must be received by the BMSS administrative office by 20th April for consideration of awarding at the next annual meeting, or otherwise appropriate event. Nominations will be kept on file and reassessed annually. Unsuccessful nominations will expire on the third anniversary of their submission.

Each application will be reviewed by the Advisory Board with the final decision made by the Officers of the Society.

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To make a nomination


To honour members of the Society  who  have  made  a  significant  contribution  to the practice of mass spectrometry in the UK whether through providing a reliable and excellent service, expanding the exposure of mass spectrometry beyond the mass spectrometry community, education or in supporting and promoting the Society itself.

Nominations should consist of the following documentation:

  1. One page nomination containing the following information
    • Nominee: name, affiliation and address
    • First nominator: name and email address
    • Second nominator: name and email address
    • Date of nomination
  2. One page description of why, in your view, the nominee is deserving of this award. Please include a brief of their activities in mass spectrometry.
  3. Letter of support from first nominator
  4. Letter of support from second nominator

Nominations should reach the BMSS Administrator:, before the deadline of the 20th April and will be considered for award at the following Annual Meeting. Nominations will be kept on file for consideration annually. The nomination will expire on the third anniversary from its submission date.

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