BMSS Medal

The British Mass Spectrometry Society established the BMSS Medal in 2002 at the 115th meeting of the BMSS committee. This very occasional award is established to recognise sustained contributions by individual members of the British Mass Spectrometry Society to the development of mass spectrometry, primarily within the UK. The awardee will be a product champion of mass spectrometry, developing student and individual education, increasing awareness of mass spectrometry and its utility in science, through long-term contributions to the BMSS and/or scientific literature and the representation of mass spectrometry within the wider scientific community.


  1. Holders of the BMSS Medal
  2. Award Criteria
  3. To make a nomination

Holders of the BMSS Medal

Professor Edward Houghton
Professor Anthony Mallet
Professor John J Monaghan
Professor Frank S Pullen
Professor Gareth Brenton
Professor Alison Ashcroft
Professor G John Langley
Doctor Michael Morris

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Award Criteria


The British Mass Spectrometry Society established the BMSS Medal in 2002 at the 115th meeting of the BMSS committee. This very occasional award is established to recognise sustained contributions by individual members of the British Mass Spectrometry Society to the promotion and advancement of mass spectrometry, primarily within the UK. The awardee will be an ambassador of mass spectrometry, developing student and individual education, increasing awareness of mass spectrometry and its utility in science through long-term contributions to the BMSS and/or scientific literature and the representation and communication of mass spectrometry within the wider scientific community.  

To honour individuals deserving special recognition by reason of their outstanding and sustained contributions to the British Mass Spectrometry Society in the promotion of mass spectrometry, primarily within the UK.

Open to academic and industrial scientists of any nationality who have worked in the UK. The nominee should be a current member of BMSS.

Full details of the criteria for the award of the BMSS Medal (as with other BMSS awards) will be posted continuously on the BMSS web site and occasionally in the Newsletter and any other media of advertisement, which the committee deem appropriate. Advertisement will be made at a date that allows members sufficient time to make nominations to the selection committee together with the current address where to submit nominations.

Nominations can only be made by current BMSS members, from any membership category (including those not commanding a membership fee), BMSS committee members and the BMSS Medal award selection committee members. Nominations, including nomination form and the requested supporting material, must be received in the BMSS administrative office by 20th April for consideration for award at the next annual meeting. Nominations will be kept on file and considered annually. The nomination will expire on the third anniversary of its submission.

The selection committee will be the regular BMSS committee, or a sub-committee nominated by the BMSS committee and approved by the BMSS Chair. The BMSS Chair will usually chair the selection committee which will comprise at least six scientists and will judge the nominations for the award in line with the published criteria. The decision of this group is final. The selection committee will usually meet on the same date (May meeting) as the BMSS committee prior to the Annual Meeting.

The award will be infrequent. The Medal will not be associated with a particular year or period of years.

The announcement and presentation of the award will usually be made at the Annual Meeting of the BMSS. The BMSS Chair will usually make the award.

A medal, together with a certificate commemorating the Award duly signed by the BMSS Chair. Recipients of the BMSS medal will automatically receive life membership of the BMSS.

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To make a nomination


To honour individuals deserving special recognition by reason of their outstanding and sustained contributions to the British Mass Spectrometry Society in the promotion of mass spectrometry, primarily within the UK. The award is open to academic and industrial scientists of any nationality who have worked in the UK. The nominee should be a current member of BMSS.

Nominations should consist of the following documentation:

  1. One page nomination containing the following information
    • Nominee: name, affiliation and address
    • First nominator, who must be a member of the BMSS: name, email address and telephone number
    • Second nominator, who must be a member of the BMSS: name, email address and telephone number
    • Date of nomination
  2. One page description of why in your view the nominee is deserving of this award. Please include a brief description of the impact the individual has had on the BMSS and/or UK mass spectrometry over a prolonged period, including influencing positions on the BMSS or other society committees.
  3. Letter of support from first nominator
  4. Letter of support from second nominator

Nominations should reach the BMSS Administrator:, before the deadline of the 20th of April and will be considered for award at the following Annual Meeting. Nominations will be kept on file for consideration annually. The nomination will expire on the third anniversary of its submission date.

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